Welcome to StartupTree
Welcome to the Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship's entrepreneurship network! The Field Center is home to all aspects of entrepreneurship at Baruch. We offer: * MakerHub: 3D printing and lots of other technologies that can help you build your prototype and product * Blackstone LaunchPad; manages a series of programs that help students connect with the entrepreneurial community across New York City and beyond * CUNY Startups: supports entrepreneurial work across the CUNY system * Midtown Manhattan Small Business Development Center (SBDC): the SBA assistance network offering advice, assistance with SBA loans, and much more for small businesses * Undergraduate and graduate programs in entrepreneurship * Speakers, seminars, and short courses * Advice and assistance for anyone interested in innovating, whether you are at the ideation stage or need help growing your fully formed business or not-for-profit
Featured by Baruch College
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